We are DataScouts.
“We connect data to make change happen”, that’s our motto. At DataScouts, we make our clients into the best-informed companies.
We bring together data, artificial intelligence and human expertise. That’s how we achieve early identification of market signals, blind spots and new trends and gather information about networks, ideas and knowledge.
If you don’t have the time or expertise to tackle this data yourself, our DataScouts consultants will be happy to help you to collect and interpret the information.
We are just
Even though our product and field of work may be digital, we ourselves are not machines. We’re experts in our domains and confident about who we are, but we do not let egos get in the way. We make the effort to listen, to understand other perspectives and circumstances, although we might not agree. We are curious and have the desire to know and understand others.
We like to take
We like to make change happen and we do not fear taking bold decisions to move things forward. We enjoy experimenting and trying out new things. We are doers who focus on solutions rather than problems. We love collaborating: with clients, partners … and you? Co-creation is part of our DNA.
What you see is
what you get.
We are authentic, outspoken, explicit. We are open and honest about who we are. There is no façade, nothing to hide, no keeping up appearances! We share what we are working on, as well as our learnings and failures. We like to make it easy for people to find us and to connect with us. Transparency breeds trust, and trust is the foundation of great teamwork.
‘Eager to learn’ is
our middle name.
We are explorers, curious and eager to discover and investigate new things. We are open to new ideas, new thoughts, new people and new ways of working. We love to engage with other people in conversation. We seek feedback and welcome people who challenge our ideas. It’s the way we learn.
We combine
different roles.
We are entrepreneurs, dreamers, innovators and change-makers. We approach the world and all we do with creativity, passion, energy, imagination and humour. We leverage our ability to find hidden patterns, make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and create innovative solutions. We iterate between thinking and making and turn new ideas into reality.
Want to work with us?
We are growing fast and are constantly looking for motivated people to
become a part of our team.
become a part of our team.